lunch with aunt camy

We had the wonderful pleasure of having lunch with my dear Aunt Camy yesterday - and her new boyfriend! She and Don met recently, and according to Camy, it was fireworks from the start. I'm so happy for her. For them. To find someone new to make your heart sing so late in the game seems to make it worth sticking around to play as long as possible. I love seeing my auntie act like a giddy love-struck teenager. There's a lovely lilt in her voice now, a twinkle in her eyes, and a ready giggle that burbles over quite often. It makes my heart sing to see her so happy. Don is a sweetie. Calm and gentle, intelligent, funny, easy to talk with. He's blind, but jokes about taking his turn driving when we all go to Monterey next week. And he assumes that we're all beautiful, which works for us!

I asked Camy and Don's permission to post this here. Wouldn't want to embarrass them in any way. I find them most inspiring, and very brave, to stand up to any possible opposition from family, and show up together at the Big Family Party next week. Three cheers to Camy and Don!

Here we are at the Olive Garden - Don, Camy, Linda, Me, and Hank, an old friend who was able to meet us for lunch.

Don and Camy at Sheels, with the Ferris Wheel.

Sipping lemonade.



  1. Good for her!!! Love never gets old and definitely keeps you young! Much happiness to Aunt Camy and Don!

    Penny \IiiI

  2. Aaaah, that's a really sweet, lovely story Kim ! All good wishes to your Aunt Camy and Don !
    Good for them !


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