Happy Solstice

It's exactly 10 years since I was literally knocked down by a strong Taos wind (combined with a flying EZ Up and a stumble over a rock), and my bead career nearly ended. I'm grateful that my broken shoulder healed, and the beads came back to me. And every year at this time, I welcome summer, my favorite season, and thank the Big Whobody that I'm still able to do what I do, and make a living at it.

Life is good. Summer is good. Beads are good.


I'm only posting a few beads today. I have more in the wings, but I need to do some other stuff, so here's a taste of the latest. These are Bracelet Beads, as described in the column to the right. Enjoy!

1, 2, 3, 4, 5

Here's a better picture of
1, 2, 3 - all sold. Thanks!


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