Postcards From The Road - Seattle, Cooking, Kickball

Lots of pictures today, but not a lot of words. There isn't enough time for all the things I have to do. I have homework! Eek! I don't really have to do it, but I want to, because it will help me remember all I'm learning. So here you go - this was my day...

Good morning, Seattle. The drive in from West Seattle was a breeze, and potential for sunshine was pretty good.
We walked around Greenlake - about 3 miles - before class, and said hello to the turtles.

Pretty much what we do is cook and eat and cook and eat, all day long. I had no idea it would be so exhausting, but all that concentration actually takes a lot of physical energy. The results are always satisfying though. Here we are, Team #1, with two of our creations - Italian Tomato Salad, and Roasted Root Vegetable Salad. I've never been a big fan of beets, but this salad changed my point of view. Eye openers abound. More, more, more!

After class, Rick and I went to Lauren's place for dinner, and then over to Greenlake to watch her kickball game. Go Lauren go!

That's all I have in me for now. Good night, my friends -

Wish You Were Here!
xo Kim


  1. Food looks lovely Kim, can I have a taste !!!
    Love to look at the photos, hope you got all your homework done ! ;o)
    love, Michelle xox


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